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Community Development Projects Programme

Social Affairs Department
is publishing a
BELGRADE AIRPORT DOO, Beograd, Social Affairs and Stakeholder Engagement
Department is informing all interested organisations that the deadline for
submission of applications for ‘LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS’
HAS BEEN EXTENDED until 31.10.2021.
Conditions for applying remain the same.
Aim of the Programme:
The Local Community Development Projects programme is being implemented by Belgrade Airport DOO, Belgrade, with the aim of supporting local development initiatives in the communities surrounding the Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade - New Surčin, Radio Far and Ledine. The total amount which will be allocated by Belgrade Airport for projects through this pilot call for applications is approx. 600.000,00 RSD.
Programme Beneficiaries:
The call is open for all organisations founded by the units of local self government, as well as all citizen’s associations registered on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, operating on the territories of the three local communities New Surčin, Radio Far and Ledine.
Conditions to Apply:
Conditions which must be met by applicants are:
- That they are registered with the Serbian Business Registers Agency (except organisations founded by units of local governments);
- That they do not have any outstanding and unpaid tax obligations;
- That they operate as non profit organisations.
Budget Limit:
The highest amount which can be requested for financing one project is up to 235.000,00 RSD.
Project funding can be requested for initiatives in the following fields:
- Environmental protection
- Education and culture
- Support for vulnerable groups
- Sports
- Small infrastructure development projects.
All proposed activities must be implemented on the territory of any one or all of the local communities - New Surčin, Radio Far and Ledine, or directly target the residents of these communities.
Necessary documents:
- Proof of registration
- Application form, provided as Annex 1 (up to 6 pages) and any relevant supporting documents (permits, support letters, etc.)
- Brief description of the applicant organisation and implemented activities/projects (up to 2 pages)
Organizations whose applications have been shortlisted may be requested to submit additional documents at a later stage of the process, as a condition for signing the contract.
Organizations can apply for the entire funds needed for project implementation, or for a part of the funds which they are missing, with an obligatory guarantee (statement) that they did not receive funds from other donors, for the entire value of the project or for a part of the missing funds for which they are applying.
Reporting Requirements:
Successful applicants will be obliged to submit a written Project implementation report within 30 days of the project completion date, describing project results and observed and/or expected community benefits. Together with the report, a list of all project expenditures will be submitted, in line with the approved budget, and together with receipts for goods and services acquired.
Application Process and Deadline:
The deadline for submission of applications is 60 days from the day of the publishing of the Call for Applications on the Belgrade Airport website.
Applications should be sent to the address: Belgrade Airport doo Beograd, 11180 Beograd 59, Arhiva, with a note “Application for the Local Community Development Programme” OR via email to: zainteresovanestrane@beg.aero. Questions in relation to this Call for Applications can also be submitted using the provided email address.
The decision will be made within 60 days from the last day for submission of applications, by an internal committee formed by Belgrade Airport and subject to review of Belgrade Airport DOO Senior Management.
Incomplete and untimely applications will not be taken into consideration.
Community Development Projects Programme (17.04 KB)